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Performance Tools

  • PCS can be used with teams of any size, in any type of organisation and provides a robust means of tracking the performance of the team over time.

  • PCS is based on over 20 years experience of coaching and facilitating world class teams in business, government and sport. PCS draws on the latest research in team performance.

  • Contact us to find out more.

Performance Climate Survey (PCS) and Dashboard
  • The Performance Climate Survey® (PCS) is a unique and powerful tool which helps teams to diagnose and focus their attention on the critical factors impacting overall team performance. It is used by large and small organisations alike, helping them better understand and improve the performance of their teams and leaders.   Both public sector and private sector organisations have obtained great results from applying PCS as have a number of world ranked sports teams who use the diagnostic to help them win.

  • Larger organisations can benefit from the top-down view provided by the Performance Climate Dashboard. This dashboard displays the current performance of teams across your organisation by function, region, department and discipline. It also allows you to track and rank the performance of your management population to help identify your best leaders.

  • For individual leaders who want to understand the effectiveness of their efforts and seek to improve their skills, PCS provides a quick, simple and reliable tool at a price that encourages your personal investment. 


To help us to deliver outstanding results over the years we have designed and developed a range of exercises to build high performance. 


 Leadership 360
  • L360 is a multi rater Leadership development and assessment tool. It is web-based and easy to deploy. L360 was originally designed and developed by Gordon Mackenzie to support a major leadership initiative in the financial services industry and has subsequently been adopted by organisations including Thomson Reuters, Amazon, BA and ICI in support of both leadership and coaching interventions.

  • L360 is totally confidential

  • L360 is available as a generic or bespoke tool in English, but can be translated for you into any language

  • L360 enables you to brand your own version making it perfect to support in-house programmes.

  • As well as the obvious benefit to the individual, L360 is designed to provide HR functions with critical performance data at the macro level. We provide an overall summary report of norm data by region, function and level. This benchmarking data can then be used to track management performance over time.

  • To find out more about L360 contact us


One exercise we are constantly asked for is Assembly It is now so much in demand by in-house trainers ,we have decided to offer it as part of our suite of performance tools.



Assembly is a giant jigsaw puzzle of interlocking and intersecting planks.  With the aim of creating the perfect assembly method, through practice it is a race against the clock.  Let Transport for London show you how!

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